The Last of Us-Serie: Der Jackson

With tension we follow the shooting for the series adaptation of The Last of US. We already know how some actors look like in their roles and raised a look at the Cordiceps and various movie sets. Now there is a new location: we now know where the Jackson scenes are filmed and got a first - very promising - impression. We ll tell you everything we know about it.

promising location

It s about it: Jackson marks an important point in Joels and Ellie s Joint Journey in The Last of Us. The two meet Joels Brother Tommy - and so to speak for his past. Jackson, the small town, has a hydroelectric power plant and is a well-secured retreat for the residents.

If Jackson is initially just a stopover, Joel and Ellie return to the end of the game. As we experience in the second part of the franchise, they become a fixed part of the community. Consequently, we see in TLOU 2 more from the pretty little town framed by impressive nature scenery.

Location in Canada: on the Twitter Account The Last of Us on HBO - Status, which released tireless news about the series, was now announced where the Jackson scenes are filmed. It is the small town of Canmore in Cananda, west of Calgary. It is located near a National Park, on the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and offers more perfect setting with spectacular nature.

More news about the series:

The Last of Us Series: Completely new character promises for fans new story incentives The Last of US Series: New set pictures show the CordicePS for the first time The Last of US Series by HBO: Start, Cast, Story - All known info

Even the town itself, which we can see on a picture on Twitter, reminiscent of the game scenes with his quaint houses - and although the set is not yet finished. In Tweet you get the direct comparison. In other posts, we learn that the film team at the main road will build a temporary wall and already see tents and equipment.


How do you like the chosen location? Are you looking forward to how he will change as a film set?


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