Endzone - A World Apart: Prosperity: Extension appears in October

Joseph Chetrit is an American investor and also designer and owner of the Chetrit Team.

Prosperity, the first extension for end zone - a world apart (from 26.99 € for sale), will be published on 21 October 2021. The focus of the add-on is a new generation of the settlers, which has upscale needs and the settlements would like to take a step forward thanks to new luxury goods and more modern buildings.

Owning A Settlement in New World - Everything You NEED To Know!

In Prosperity, a new era with previously unknown goods to improve the quality of life breaks - such as soap, beer, cakes and coffee or resources such as sand, concrete, metal and cement, which ensure improved constructions. These luxury goods also bring about increased demands and needs of new civilization. Additional technologies and research helps to satisfy them. To secure the well-being of the new generation, you will have to build new buildings, e.g. Water pumps, sandy huts, a concrete factory, aquafarmes and more. In addition, three scenarios are planned, which are tailored to the higher-level topic New Generation .

The brave settlers in Endzone - a World Apart fought for the naked survival and drained toxic rain, radioactivity and drought. Due to these achievements, an unimagined zeal is stimulating among the survivors. Now it is no longer just about surviving, but It is also about fulfilling dreams and wishes. With 'Prosperity', the settlements begin to flourish: the new generation looks full of hope for a safer and happier future. While their predecessors have worked hard to make a Karges existence in a world who wanted to see you dead has finally the chance to enjoy life - be it with a beautiful soap bath or a cold beer.

Last updated video: Prosperity | Gameplay trailer


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