WoW Guide: Thanks to Patch 9.1.5 - 10,000 points Korthia

With Patch 9.1.5 by Wow Shadow lands, some quality-of-life changes have been introduced for Parthia. Among other things, it has been implemented that even the monsters in the RIFT world of the Should have a chance to drop relic fragments. With these fragments, you will increase the call to the Archive Code if you embed them from Archival Roh-Suir.

At first glance, this change is just a drop on the hot stone, as the normal Rift monsters drop only a few fragments. However, the elite-mobs trained darkness from an exception. From them, depending on the call stage, you plunder several epic fragment items like confusing rune cubes, which provide 150 cataloged research. In his latest video, Rex troy shows you a farm method in which up to 10,000 call points at the Archive Code can collect up to 10,000 call points on the hunt for these elite mobs per hour.

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It usually enters the cracking world of Parthia in the cave at the coordinates 40/41 in Parthia. To enable the risk portal, your repaired cracking key needs. In order to farm as effectively as possible, you organize four more players and possibly also activates war mode, so that you disturb so little other groups as possible in farms, because this method is now very popular.

In the tore, she tries to defeat as many high-ended darkness during the 15 minutes, which stops the crack buff. It is not armed in Parthia, but in the rest of the Should. Anyone who clicks the link to the highlighted darkness looks directly a card with the spawn points of the mobs. Your way is west of Parthia in the northwest of the Should.

The amount of items such as confusing rune cubes that drop with the elite mobs is random and also hangs together with the call level at the archive arcade. Someone who has already reached call level 5 can sometimes manage four confusing rune cubes, while call level 2 may only be an epic or a pair of blue fragment items. After the crack buff has expired, you either have to go back to the risk portal in Parthia or uses collapsing Russian, which can be dropped with a very low probability of MOBS in the Should.

However, this item must then own your entire group. Who has a strong group at the start, is not generated by other farmers and maybe have already collected some reputation at the Archival Code in advance, so easily 10,000 calls can collect the archive arcade and get a lot of cataloged research?

Are you going to try this farm method directly, or do not you need cataloged research at all?

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