How to solve the valorant error ‘This avant -garde compilation requires version 2.0 of TPM and the safe start to enable to play’
Valorant has forged a reputation taking energetic measures against cheats through the Vanguard program. The new avant-garde update causes errors when players do not have the correct configuration enabled on their computers. Here is everything you need to know about the correction of the Valorant error ‘This avant-garde compilation requires TPM version 2.0 and safe starting to play’ . How to repair the ERROR TPM Version 2.0 and Safe Start Disabled in Valorant It is necessary to enable the safe start to play Valorant, and this implies using the BIOS menu of your computer; Fortunately, you must restart your computer once you install the game, so you can enter the bios menu while your computer turns on again. There are some keys that you can press to enter the BIOS menu, but it depends on your computer: MSI uses the ‘’ key to enter the menu, but other computers use the ‘F’ keys. Press the correct key several times when you see a logo during start. The BIOS menu must have a search op...